Museum Plan

Daria, one of our volunteers, based on the team ideas, created a drawing with the design of the Jewish Memorial Museum of Târgu Frumos. At the moment, the area where are the tombs (on the right) is invaded by wild shrubs and strong vegetation, in the middle there is only grass and during the summer the neighbors' animals are there, and on the left, where is the common grave of the 640 victims of Holocaust, is the same vegetation as in the tombs' side. We want to clean, create paths of stones, have benches, garbage bins, plant in the middle of a small forest, and share the history of the place through different memorial banners. What do you think?

Drawing of Jewish Cemetery Târgu Frumos at the moment

Our plan for the Jewish Memorial Museum of Târgu Frumos

This website is under construction!

We will appreciate your feedback and help. If you have any questions or ideas, please send us a message at

The project team is formed by local and international volunteers.

The project started on 1 March 2021 and we estimate will take us until 2027 to achieve everything we planned.